What can we really do?
1.Pray for them and for the principles of divine intervention in their life:
a.Soften hearts, strength, raise someone up, lead them away or remove the problem
2.Love them! Take your frustrations to the Lord and your love to your child
3.Set an example and demonstrate the things that are important (modeling)
4.Set boundaries (what YOU’RE going to do) and follow through on consequences, up to and including letting them go when necessary
a.ACT model of limit setting
i.Acknowledge the feeling
ii.Communicate the limit
iii.Target the alternative
5.Teach them (to their willingness to be taught)
6.Have more positive interactions than negative!
Parenting principles:
Talking to children and dealing with pornography
What not to do if you learn your child is looking at porn:
Additional resources include:
parents to read to children in the 6-8 age range.
(801) 436-6747
526 W Center Street N104
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062